Kg Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . ! Complete the paragraph using the true sentences below . Add your own final sentence to the paragraph . ? They last for a long time . ? They begin in different ways . ? They are often copied . ? They existed before TV and the Internet . ? Experts understand why fads become popular . Exp erte eay that f ade . .. . Most p eople don ' t alwaye know how or why . They are not new either and . .. . When f ade become p op ular . .. . 2 Explain the two different ways that fads can start . Find an example of each from the descriptions of fads on page 38 . / Put the following sentences in the correct order to show how a product becomes a fad . A designer thinks of an idea . Small companies make copies of the idea . Variations of the item are produced . The company advertises the product . The product is made . 4 Explain what a " spin-off product is . S Why is a fad compared to a virus ? 6 In your notebook , prepare a table like the one below . Find a word from the same word family for each of the following . && Thinking About What You Have Read "What do they [ fads ] leave behind them ? Perhaps , only pleasant memories and a few more wealthy people . " 1 Who are the " wealthy people" ? 2 In your opinion , who are the people with " pleasant memories" ? 3 Write a paragraph about your own pleasant memories of a fad .
