Section Task : Looking Fine Writing a dictionary and an encyclopedia entry 1 . Choose an item of clothing or an accessory that has an unusual or interesting cultural origin . 2 . Collect information about the item from different sources . 3 . Write a dictiona ! y definition of the item and add a picture or drawing . ( You don ' t have to write the phonetic spelling !) 4 . Write an encyclopedia entry describing the item . Include the most important information , especially about its cultural origin . 5 . Read over your dictionary and encyclopedia entries and check the format , grammar and spelling . Make corrections if necessary . 6 . Assess the dictionaiy and encyclopedia entries and submit your work to a partner and to your teacher for assessment . 7 . Assess your partner on the ® that you receive fro m him or her . ^ The following rubric shows the criteria for assessing your completed task , who will assess your work and how it will be assessed .
