Closer Reading 1 In your notebook , prepare a table with the following headings . Using the information from the encyclopedia entries on page 20 , complete the table . 2 Consider the three cultures described on page 20 . & In what way ( s ) are any two of them similar to each other and different from the third ? Example : The inuit and the Yamana both iive in a coid dimate but the bedouin iive in a hot climate . lb Compare your answers with two or more partners . How are your answers similar or different ? What can you learn from this about the three cultures ? 3 Find the words in the encyclopedia entries on page 20 that have the same meanings as the words below . The Bedouin clothes move freely The Inuit clothes decorations The Yamana from past times piece of fabric Example : dothee — dreee Thinking About What You Have Read 1 Today the Bedouin and the Inuit are influenced by Western dress . On what occasions would they wear the clothes described in the encyclopedia entries ? Discuss . 2 Suggest other ways in which clothes can be used to protect people from the climate . Compare your suggestions with your partner . 3 Does climate strongly influence the clothes worn by people in your country ? In what ways ? 4 What other factors influence the traditional clothes worn in a particular culture ?
