Climate and Fashion Read the encyclopedia entries and find out how climate has an influence on what people wear . The Bedouin Arab peoples oftheMiddle Eastwho live in desert areas , Their dress is well suited to the hot and windy climate of the desert . The "galabiah" is a long cotton gown worn by Bedouin men and women . It is suited to their life in the desert since it protects them from the sun ' s strong rays . The gowns also allow the air to circulate and so they keep the body temperature cooler . The Bedouin also wear a headband known as a "keffieh , " which covers the head and neck to protect them from the sun and wind . The "keffieh" is held in place with an " agal . " The " agal " symbolizes the man's responsibility as an adult . Thelnuit A general name used to describe groups of people who live along the coastline from the Bering Sea to Greenland . The climate in these areas is very cold . Most ofthe year , there is snow and ice . Both men's and women ' s garments are similar —a jacket suit with the pants tucked into seal-skin boots . The jacket has a hood that is used in cold weather to cover the head . Many ofthe garments are made of animal skins , usually caribou and seal . Clothes are worn in layers and have no openings . This gives protection from the cold . During their hunt for animals , hunters wear elegant clothing with ornaments because many believe that the animals are attracted to these decorations . TheYamana An ancient people who once lived in Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America . The Yamana wore very little clothing although the climate there is very cold . To protect themselves from the cold , they oiled their bodies with fish or animal fat . Most wore a "tuweaki , " which is similar to a cloak or poncho . The tuweaki was made ofa short piece of seal fur tied around the neck by a short rope . Both men and women wore a "masakana , " which was a triangular cloth tied around the waist by a belt . Even though they wore very little clothing , both men and women wore many different kinds of ornaments .
