Read each of the following sentences and decide what the highlighted words or phrases mean . Copy the sentences with the correct word or phrase into your notebook . A T-shirt is a popular garment in most parts of the world . A garment is an itemoffootwear / an itemof clothing . Example : A garment \ e an item of clothing . The kilt , which is a kind of skirt , is the Scottish national costume . Costumes are special clothes / everyday clothes worn by people belonging to the same nation . The wide dress allows for freedom of movement . Freedom of movement means it is easy to move / difficult to move . Both men and women can carry their money around in a purse . A purse is a small bag / a money box . The fashion designer suggested patterns of squares and circles for her new dress design . Patterns are arrangementsofnumbers / arrangementsof linesand shapes . Cotton is a popular fabric for making summer dresses . Fabric is the material / design from which clothes are made . The dress was unique . There was not another dress like it in the fashion show . The dress was unique because it was like manyothers / the only oneof its kind . During festivals . people from Bulgaria dress up in a white shirt and a colored vest over their shirt . A vest is an itemof clothing withsleeves / an itemof clothing without sleeves . ? . Choose three of the highlighted words or phrases from activity 1 that you did not know before . Which other words in the sentences helped you work out their meanings ? / In your notebook , describe any of this year ' s latest fashions . Use at least three of the highlighted words or phrases from activity 1 .
