Closer Reading Answer in your notebook . 1 What does the expression " mad as a hatter" mean ? V , Gloves are worn for protection at work and in sport . Complete the following sentences with examples of your own . £ } Examples of types of work that require gloves are . .. . S > Examples of types of sport that require gloves are ... . Z What other reasons can you think of for wearing gloves ? 4 When were Keds first marketed ? 5 The sentences below include information that could be added to the cards on page 15 . Read each sentence and decide on the following : a Which of the sentences go with each description ? $ Where in the descriptions would you add each sentence ? c Which words helped you decide ? Q Later they were designed for women and were called mousquetaire . Example : 1 . This sentence goes with the descrip tion about gloves , The sentence goes af ter the word " musket . " The word " mousquetaire" helped me to decide because it looks like " musket . " © This illness became known as "mad hatter ' s syndrome . " 3 When a knight wanted to challenge another knight to a fight , he threw down a glove . 0 Their first choice was Peds , from the Latin word meaning foot , but another shoe already had that name . g The Mad Hatter's tea party in Alice in Wonderland isn ' t so mad after all . Q The name comes from the word "sneak " which means to move , quietly and secretly . Thinking About What You Have Read . Which fact did you Find the most surprising or unusual ?
