School Uniforms Before Listening 1 Look up the word "uniform" in the dictionary . E Find two dictionary definitions of "uniform . " & Do the two definitions have something in common ? If so , what ? 2 Read the following quote about school uniforms . "If it means that the school rooms will be more orderly and more disciplined , and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside , instead of what they're wearing on the outside , then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms . " Bill Clinton . former president of the United States 0 , What does Bill Clinton thinkof the use of school uniforms in public schools ? B > What two main arguments does he make to support his position ? First Listening A news reporter interviewed students , teachers and parents in Bellevue , a community that is planning on introducing school uniforms in their high schools . She recorded what they said and used excerpts for the report she wrote . Copy the names of the people that the news reporter interviewed into your notebook . Listen to the excerpts . Who is in favor of school uniforms ? ? Denise ? Tina Butler ? Lizzie ? Trevor Lee ? John Appleby Second Listening Listen again and , in your notebook , make a list of the arguments for and against school uniforms . Example : In f avor —save time Against —hurt need f or self -exp ression After Listening 1 Which opinion ( s ) do you identify with the most ? Explain . 2 How do you feel about wearing a uniform to school ? Write a paragraph stating your opinion on the issue . In the first sentence , write your opinion . Then write your reasons . You can begin like this : In my opinion ... . I think that ... . I believe that ... .
