Messages in Fashion Clothing helps people create an image of themselves . The clothes people wear often define their identity and character . Clothing may also define a person's role in the family and in the community . Read the following article from a magazine called Fashion 4 Teens . What do experts say about the messages we send through the way we dress ? What Messages Are Your Clothes Sending Today ? Why is it so difficult for many teenagers to choose what to wear ? It may be because they know that their clothes tell a lot about them and their personal identity . In other words , clothes often reflect the person wearing them . There are obviously many different reasons for wearing clothes . First , clothes provide protection . They protect us from the rain , cold and sun . Some people also wear protective clothing for their work or in sport , for example , fire fighters and ice hockey players . In addition , some clothes identify us with a particular group . For example , a judge wears a long , black gown , or a soldier wears a uniform . Finally , people want to attract the attention of others , so they make themselves attractive by the way they dress . However , this is not the whole story . Have you ever thought about the image your clothes communicate every morning when you get dressed ? This image may be 'I'm an independent teenager ! ' or 'I want to fade into the background . ' "Clothes create an image that we all understand , " says Kate Forman , a British fashion designer , "and this image may be a reflection of who we are or who we want to be . In other words , clothing is a kind of non-verbal * communication . " Clothing can tell us about a person's age and occupation . For example , a businessman is often recognized by the suit and tie . Our clothes show how we feel at a particular moment . When we are happy , we dress up . "When we choose our clothes , " Kate explains , " we actually create an identity for ourselves . For some teens , it is very important to wear the latest fashions . Others don't even notice whether their clothes are in or out of fashion . " Next time you go to your wardrobe , remember the importance of your choice of clothes . You are not just choosing something to wear , you are deciding on your identity and the message you want to send . What do you want your clothes to say about you today ? Paragraph 1 What do clothes reflect ? Paragraph 2 How many main reasons are given for wearing clothes ? Paragraph 3 What can people express by the clothes that they wear ? * non-verbal — without words .
