Section Task : carry Out Debating an issue In groups of four , choose an ecological problem for your debate . You can use one of the suggestions below or choose your own topic . Divide into two pairs (" pro" and "con" ) . Prepare the debate and then present the debate to the class . Suggestions for Debates ? The Hula Valley Restoration Project is not accomplishing its goals . ? Cars should be banned in city centers in order to reduce air pollution . ? The basic needs of people take priority over saving endangered animals . Preparing and presenting a debate 1 . Choose the topic for your debate . 2 . Pair 1 will present the "pro" argument and pair 2 will present the "con" argument . 3 . Prepare the debate using the guidelines on page 47 and the checklist below . Decide who will present the opening statement and who will present the closing statement . 4 . Present the debate to your class . Your group will receive general feedback from the other students in the class based on the feedback questions below . 5 . The teacher will assess the presentation given by you and your partner ( the " pro" or " con" side of the argument ) on the basis of the assessment criteria in the rubric on Student Assessment Page 69 . The following checklist shows what to pay attention to when presenting the "pro" or "con" side of the debate . ? The opening statement is clear . ? The facts and examples used are clear and support the argument . ? The closing statement responds to some of the arguments presented by the other team . ? Respect is shown to the other speaker ( s ) by disagreeing politel y and by not interrupting . Feedback Questions M Which side gives a clearer argument ? Explain why . ? Which side gives the stronger argument ? Explain why . ? Have you changed your opinion on the issue as a result of listening to the debate ?
