Online Forum 1 The messages below were posted on an Internet forum discussing two proposals for improving transportation in the country . & Read the messages and list the pros ( arguments for ) and cons ( arguments against ) of building a highway as opposed to having a fast train service . $ Make a list of words that are used to express : ? agreement ? disagreement 2 In your notebook , add a message to the forum . Express your opinion on the issue , or agree or disagree with an opinion expressed in one of the messages below . Date : February 20 , 2003 From : Rena Dylan Subject : Main highway or fast train ? A main highway across large areas of our country is supposed to solve the problem of traffic jams on our roads . Unfortunately , a big highway will spoil our beautiful green countryside . A fast train service would be a much better idea . Since this concerns us all , we should make ourselves heard before it is too late . Date : February 2 f , 2003 From : Jonathan Mann Subject : Train ' s a loser I agree with Ms . Dylan that we should speak out , but I don't think enough people will use the train . If I were to take a train into the city center , I would still have to get from the train station to my office . This means that the trip to and from work would take me longer . Personally , I would never take the train into work . Date : February 22 , 2003 From : Liz Turner Subject : The benefits of being green I understand your point , Jonathan , but it's time to think of the environment too . Cars cause pollution and trains don't . Railway tracks destroy less land than highways . Think of how much work you can do while sitting in a comfortable train . Date : From : Subject :
