7 The following statements describe real situations . In your notebook , write a sentence for each , suggesting what could be done differently . Use the sentence cues to help you . 3 There are not enough bike paths in the city , so people use cars to get around . [ be , more bike paths / ride to work ] Example : a . if there were more bike p athe in the city , more le would r \ de their bikee to work . p eop Ij ) Many fast-food restaurants use disposable cups and plates . This creates a lot of unnecessary trash . [ use , recyclable / be , less trash ] @ Many of the city ' s street lights use expensive , high-voltage light bulbs . As a result , much energy is wasted . [ use , cheaper , low-energy bulbs / save , energy ] 13 There are very few trees around our building , so in the summer , our apartment gets very hot . [ plant more trees / apartment , be cooler ] 0 We suffer from mosquitoes at night because the watering system leaves large puddles of water next to the building . [ use , less water in the garden / be , fewer puddles ] 8 Read the situations below and in your notebook , complete each of the statements using the appropriate conditional form — the First Conditional , the Second Conditional or the Third Conditional . B There are only two days left to buy tickets for the Eco-Tour . Karen has to make a decision now . If Karen ( want ) to go on the Eco-Tour , she ( have ) to buy tickets now . U > The flowers in our garden require a lot of water , so our water bill is very high . If flowers ( require ) less water , the water bill ( not , be ) so high . ^ Donna didn't check her water supply before the hiking trip . She ran out of water in the middle of the hike . If Donna ( check ) her water supply before the hiking trip , she ( not , run ) out of water in the middle of the hike . < 3 Kevin never uses the national park maps when he goes on hikes . That is why he often gets lost . If Kevin ( use ) maps , he ( not , get ) lost so often . More practice on Student Work Page 38 .
