5 A park officer in a national park has some complaints about the behavior of visitors to the park . 3 Read the following letter to the editor that the park officer wrote and decide whether the paper should publish it . $ ג In your notebook , make a list of his complaints . August 25 , 2003 Rocky Mountain News POB 208 Fairmont , British Columbia Canada Dear Editor , I have been a park officer in the Rocky Mountain National Park for over ten years . I would like to draw the public ' s attention to the increasing amount of trash and littering that has been occurring recently in the park . Lately , when I patrol the park trails , I waste a lot of time picking up the litter of park visitors . People throw paper wrappers and plastic bags on the hiking trails . As a result , I have less time available to work on animal and plant conservation . I have to spend a lot of time cleaning up trash . Why can ' t people use the plastic bags to collect their own trash ? Instead of throwing the trash into the bushes near trails , why can ' t people carry it in their backpacks until they reach a park litter bin ? There are also thousands of plastic bottles that have been thrown away . Why can ' t people re-use their water bottles ? Or better yet , why can ' t people carry water in non-disposable bottles ? By following some simple rules and being considerate of our natural resources , the park can be a beautiful , clean and healthy place to visit . Yours sincerely , Aaron Weiss Park Officer 6 What changes in people ' s behavior would help solve the problems mentioned in the letter ? Complete the sentences below in your notebook to show some possible solutions to the problems . a If there were not so much litter on the trails & If people didn ' t throw ... . cIf park visitors collected their trash ,... . flIf visitors recycled their water bottles , .... Q If park visitors followed the rules , ... . if If park visitors were more considerate of ... . Example : a . If there were not eo much litter on the traile , the p ark officer wouid not have to waste hie time picking it up .
