Link to Language : The Second Conditional The following sentences are from the interview "Have we done enough ?" 1 Read the sentences below and find the hypothetical situation and what would or might happen if the situation were real . ? If we planted more grasses , the soil would be better protected . ? If more restored land were available , more birds would stop and rest . The Second Conditional is used to express a hypothetical situation in the present . The conditional clause shows a situation that does not exist and the main clause shows the probable result — what might happen if the situation did exist . If we planted more grasses , the soil would be better protected . Past Simple in conditional ( if ) clause modal + base formof the verb in main clause The order of the clauses can be reversed without changing the meaning of the sentence or the tenses of the verbs . The soil would be better protected if we planted more grasses . modal + base form of the verb in main clause Past Simple in conditional ( if ) clause When to be is used in the conditional clause , were is usually used for both singular and plural subjects . If more restored land were available , more birds would stop and rest . 2 Translate the example sentences into your native language . How are the verb tenses the same or different in each of the clauses ? 3 In your notebook , complete the sentences below using the correct form of the verb . ט If we used more solar energy , we ( save ) money . ft If farmers ( not , use ) blast fishing , the coral reefs would be healthier . 0 If I _ ( be ) mayor of the city , I would stop the pollution in the lake . fl There ( be ) less air pollution if we drove electric cars . 4 In your notebook , complete the sentences below in a suitable way . & If the law for recycling plastic bottles were clearer , .... $ If newspapers were collected and recycled , .... @ Wildlife in rainforests would not be endangered if ... .
