The Hula Valley The following information appeared in a brochure on the Hula Valley . Read excerpts from the brochure and find out what the negative consequences of interfering with nature might be . The Hula Valley Lives Again The Hula Valley is a region in northern Israel that has undergone many changes over the past 50 years . This region of the country is continuing to change and grow in order to meet the needs ofa growing population . Historical Background People have made the Hula Valley their home for thousands of years , Its climate , good farming land and plentiful water supply have always attracted people . However , until the second half of the 20 "' century , mosquitoes and malaria threatened the inhabitants . Various plans were proposed in order to provide more land for farming and to solve the problem of malaria . A project to drain the swamps began after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 . Draining of the Swamps : A National Project The draining of the swamps ( 1951-1959 ) aimed to solve water problems and prevent the return of malaria-carrying mosquitoes . 30 Years Later ... As a result of the draining of the swamps , serious ecological problems developed , such as soil erosion , changed habitats and poor water quality , The Hula Restoration Project The goal of this project was to reflood part of the Hula Valley and restore partof the natural habitat . Have we done enough ? Listen to an interview with Sarah Mills , an expert on the Hula Valley Restoration Project . This interview is available on audio-cassette .
