Just in Time Section Task : Get Ready Debating an issue This section examines how we can repair the damage done to our environment and presents some possible solutions . In this section , you will hold a debate regarding an ecological problem . 1 Read the following quote and discuss which of the sentences below explain the quote . "Man's attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature . But man is a partof nature , and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself . .. [ We are ] challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery , not of nature , but of ourselves . " Rachel Carson * , 1964 ? By destroying the planet , we will destroy ourselves . ? People have a responsibility to repair the damage to the planet . ? We do not understand what we are doing to the planet . U Read the following quotes and find one sentence below that explains each . Discuss your answer with a partner . & "We need to gather together all the litterers ... and throw them away . " Anonymous 5 > "Capturing the sun's warmth can help us turn down the earth ' s temperature . " Former President Bill Clinton @ "Live simply ... so others may simply live . " Anonymous ? We should change our way of life to solve ecological problems . ? Technology can help solve ecological problems . ? We should take action to solve ecological problems . ! Choose one of the quotes in activity 2 . How does the quote refer to the effect people have on the environment ? Write an explanation in your notebook . 4 Which of the quotes do you most identify with ? Explain why . Write your answer and explanation in your notebook . * Rachel Carson ( 1907-1964 ) was an environmentalist who brought the dangers of destroying the environment to public attention . She wrote a book called The Silent Spring , which led to a change in public attitude regarding the environment .
