Link to Language : The Third Conditional 1 Read the last sentences of each of the paragraphs on page 30 and explain what happened . Example : If only the government had stopped the air pollution earlier , the "killer fog " would not have had so many victims . The government did not etop the air p ollution , eo the emoq killed a lot of p eople . The Third Conditional shows what would have happened ( the result ) if the situation had been different ( the condition ) . If the chemical companies had disposed of the toxic waste properly , Past Perfect ( had + V 3 ) in conditional ( if ) clause ... it would not have leaked out . modal + ( not ) + have + V 3 in main clause Changing the order of the clauses does not change the meaning of the sentence . The toxic waste would not have leaked out ... modal + ( not ) + have + V 3 in main clause if the chemical companies had disposed of it properly . Past Perfect ( had + V 3 ) in conditional ( if ) clause 2 Translate the example sentences into your native language . How are the verb tenses the same or different in each of the clauses ? 3 In your notebook , complete the sentences below using the Third Conditional . @ If the smoke from factories and cars ( not , be ) dirty , the air in London ( stay ) cleaner . Farmers ( not , use ) chemicals to kill insects if they ( know ) about its dangers . If factories ( not , dump ) toxic waste into the Niagara River , it ( not , become ) so polluted . Fewer people ( die ) from radiation sickness if engineers ( design ) and _ ( maintain ) the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl better . Hundreds of marine animals ( not , die ) if authorities ( begin ) cleaning up the oil spill immediately . If the citizens of Love Canal ( not , have ) a toxic landfill under their homes , they _ ( not , get ) sick . If tons of oil ( not , spill ) from the Exxon Valdez , the wildlife near the coral reef _ ( not , die ) .
