Read the feature story that appeared in the magazine Ecology & Environment . Explain the title . The Greenbloom * by Rosally Saltsman Marcy entered the sweet-smelling flower shop and took a deep breath . "Can I help you ? " asked a woman who looked like a flower herself . She had curly orange hair , was tall and thin and wore a straight green dress . "Yes , " Marcy answered . "I would like to buy some flowers for my mother's birthday . It's been so long since she's had flowers . " "Good flower shops are getting rarer and rarer , " sighed the woman . "Well , " she continued , "we have some lovely irises . These were very popular flowers in the 21 ' century because they were among the last to become endangered . " "Do you have any roses ? " asked Marcy . "I ' m afraid not . Those are very rare because they ' re so difficult to grow — even in our special greenhouses . If we get some soil that isn't too contaminated , we may be able to grow some for next year . " Marcy nodded her head in understanding . "I have something your mother might like , " the saleswoman said with a smile . "It's called a greenbloom . Greenblooms once covered city parks and were also found around houses and buildings . People even walked on them . " "Really ? " Marcy found that hard to believe . The saleswoman gave Marcy a thin green "flower . " She sniffed it . "It doesn't really have a smell , " she said . "Oh , it will give off a very fresh smell if you put it in water , " the saleswoman explained . Marcy wasn ' t sure . "They're on sale ! " added the saleswoman . "Okay , I'll take a bunch , " said Marcy . The saleswoman wrapped the greenblooms in a sheet of thin plastic . Marcy walked out feeling quite pleased . She was sure the present would make her mother very happy . She knew her mother had never seen anything like these greenblooms . Answer in your notebook . 1 What is the setting of the story ? 2 What is the theme of the story ? 3 What is the message of the story ? 4 Who are the characters in the story ? 5 Write a short summary of the main events in the story . 6 Find a sentence in the story that shows foreshadowing . 7 Write another title for the story . More practice on ^ ^ 34 . * This is not a name of a real flower . The writer of the story made up the name .
