Steps in Preparing the Classroom Project Use this page and QJ ^ 30-32 to guide you if you are doing the classroom EcoQuest project . If you are doing the online project , use the online "Project Preview . " Working in home groups and expert groups , you will participate in an EcoQuest about an endangered animal . As a group , you will prepare slides and present your information to the class . Stage 1 ? Choose a topic . ( Home Group ) Choose an endangered animal — bat , chimpanzee or dolphin . ? Allocate expert roles . ( Home Group ) Find out about the expert roles , so that each group member can fill the role that is best suited to his or her knowledge or interests . Allocate an expert role to each member of the group . Stage 2 ? Collect information . ( Expert ) Collect information as the group expert . Go to the library or use the Internet . Each of the four group members collects different information . ? Share information . ( Expert Group ) At an expert group meeting , share your information with other group experts who have the same role as you . Stage 3 ? Organize the information . ( Expert ) Organize the information that you have collected and prepare two or more slides that represent your expertise . Include the infonnation that you collected as an expert . Stage 4 ? Put the presentation together . ( Home Group ) Look at the slides prepared by all group members . Organize the slides in a logical manner . Prepare a slide introducing the topic and a slide with your conclusions . The complete presentation should have 10 or more slides . ? Give the presentation . ( Home Group ) Present your work to the class . Each member of the group should present his or her expert information .
