3 Which of the following sentences would you expect each of the characters to say ? Explain your choice by using information you already have about the roles . & If we don ' t stop the fish-farming now , the reef ecology will collapse completely within less than five years . $ I want to remind you that the reef was already damaged before my company started fish-farming . <§ ... if the reef dies , the whole economic basis of White Sands will go with it . fl We honestly believed that fish-farming would be good for the economy of White Sands and that the reef would not be affected . 4 Listen to the rest of the role-play and verify your answers to activity 3 . Second Listening Speakers often hold different attitudes during a discussion . 1 Listen to the role-play again and decide which attitude matches each speaker . Answer on Student Work ram ' 28 . Speaker & Ben Sharp It > Donna Williams c Mike Rush < 3 Rosemary Neill - » — Attitude angry and aggressive business-like ; trying to keep things pleasant calm , polite and authoritative neutral , perhaps insufficiently involved 2 Which speaker has a change in attitude at the end of the discussion ? Discuss the changed attitude . § J After Listening 1 The role-play was cut short by the teacher and the group did not get a chance to present their solution . In groups of four , continue the role-play . & Before acting out the role-play , complete the following scenario . White 5 and 6 ia a eeaeide reeort that dep ends on touriem f or ite income . The town ie f acing an ecological disaster becauee ... & Act out the role-play and include a possible solution . A speaker ' s attitude affects the tone in which something is said .
