Classroom Role-Play Many classroom projects dealing with environmental issues focus on ecological action . The students in one class were divided into groups and each group prepared and acted out a role-play about a specific ecological problem . Before Listening 1 According to scientists , our planet is billions of years old . Why do you think serious environmental problems have developed only over the last few hundred years ? 2 Which do you think is the most serious environmental issue today ? 3 In what ways might some of the world ' s environmental problems be connected to one another ? First Listening Listen to the first part of the role-play by one of the groups and answer on Student Work Pane 28 . 1 Complete the sentence . This role-play raises the problem of damage to coral reefs caused by ... ? tourism ? fish-fanning ? waste disposal 2 Match the role to the student by using the words in the box below . hotel manager member of regional council member of a Green group industrialist Donna Williams Rosemary Neill Den Sharp Mike Rush
