Being Green Personal responsibility for the world we live in can begin at home . Many people argue that it is not necessaryto join an action group or a Green party in order to be " green . " 1 Find out how " green" you are by giving yourself 1 point for every item that applies to you . Add up your score and look it up in the key below . Answer on * Vm / J / JJJ > MJ ^/ M 27 . ? I usually turn off the light and other electrical appliances when leaving a room . ? I recycle what I can , such as plastic bottles and paper . ? I turn off the water while brushing my teeth . ? I reuse materials , such as boxes and paper bags . ? I dispose of batteries in special collection containers . ? I take part in community projects to keep our environment clean . 2 Read On n the following sentences 27 match containing the expression expressions to the with explanation the word in " the green box . " below . ^ a Bill has many beautiful flowers in his garden . Everything that he plants grows very well . They say he has a green thumb * . 3 The boss gave the employees the green light to work on their new idea , and they were so enthusiastic that they began immediately . @ People often think that others are luckier than they are . They feel that the grass is greener on the other side . < 3 The student was green with envy when another student in the class won the prize that he had expected to get . a The new secretary is still green , but with time she will learn how to do the job well . 3 Which uses of " green" in activity 2 are associated with nature or the environment ? Discuss the connection . jealous is a good gardener inexperienced the go-ahead other people ' s lives look better than theirs * In North America , people use the expression "green thumb , " but in other English-speaking countries . people say someone has "green fingers . "
