Closer Reading 1 In your notebook , prepare a table like the one below . Complete the table by organizing some of the causes and impacts of the ecological issues described on page 7 . Discuss possible solutions . 2 Choose two of the issues described in the article and explain how they might be connected . Support your answer by using information from the article . Answer in your notebook . 3 Read about the "Four Rs to Save Earth" and discuss ways in which they could form the basis for solving one of the problems listed in the table above . Four Rs to Save Earth Rethink ! Think before you act . There might be a different way to do something . Reuse Be creative and have fun using old items again . Many of the items that we use every day can be used more than once . Reduce Use less of some things . This does not mean going without . Recycle Make new products out of waste materials . Items to be thrown out can be used to make other things . 4 Do you agree with Dr . E . O . Wilson that the destruction of rainforests is "the greatest destruction since the end of the age of dinosaurs" ? Discuss . 5 In your notebook , write a short letter to Eco-News magazine proposing a solution to one of the problems you read about on page 7 .
