A World of Issues 1 Read the following headlines and openings of different news articles . How does each headline and opening relate to the environmental issues raised in the poem on page 5 ? Discuss . Water Contaminated by Hazardous Chemicals Dangerous materials from a chemical factory are polluting the upper part of the Nahong River ... FARM ANIMALS FACE EXTINCTION According to a United Nations report , one third of the world's farm animals are in danger of becoming extinct and may disappear like the dodo bird . .. Scientists Worried about Ozone Depletion The hole in the ozone layer continues to concern scientists because . .. Garbage Dump Closed The closing of the largest garbage dump in the country will probably cause serious waste disposal problems that ... Help Needed to Save Diverse Plant Species in Rainforest Complete ecosystems are in danger as thousands of different kinds of plants are dying out due to the cutting down of trees in ... Oil Spill near Coast Clean-up operations on local beaches are to begin tomorrow in order to repair the damage caused by the collision of two tankers . .. 2 Which pictures express the ideas in the headlines and openings above ? Discuss . There may be more than one possible answer . 5 Find the meanings of the words or phrases below . Write the word or phrase and its meaning in your notebook . ? contaminated ? disposal ? diverse ? ( a ) dump ? ecosystem ? extinct ? hazardous ? oil spill ? waste Meanings a place to throw unwanted things made dirty and unsafe dangerous different and varied a layer of oil on water no longer existing garbage or litter getting rid of the relationship between plants , animals and people in an area Example : contaminated — made dirty and uneaf e
