Getting Involved Section Task : Get Ready Preparing and acting out a role-play In this section , you will look at some ecological problems and examine different ways in which people can get involved in saving the Earth . In groups , you will prepare and act out a role-play , focusing on an ecological problem and strategies for solving that problem . Read the poem below and decide how the title of the poem is connected to its theme . / 3 Who is the "I" in the poem ? Discuss . & In your notebook , make a list of the environmental issues that are raised in the poem . ^ What is the message of the poem ? Explain what the poet is trying to tell his readers . 13 How does the poem make you feel ? Discuss . 0 In your notebook , write another stanza * from the point of view of the "I" in the poem . Begin your stanza with : When I grow up . .. * Robert Lima is Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Comparative Literature at The Pennsylvania State University . He writes poetry and has his own Internet site . * stanza —a group of lines forming a unit in a poem .
