Link to Language : Future Simple 1 Read the first stanza of the poem on page 42 again . The verbs in the sentences tell us what will or will not happen in the future . The verbs ^ in the Future Simple . We use will and the base form of the verb to make the Future Simple My friends and I will have a room right on the moon . will + base formof the verb When we speak , we use the Future Simple in the short ^ הר . We put the subject and will together . Someday I'll write a book about how to cook . I'll + base form of the verb For negative sentences in the Future Simple , we put not between will and the base form of the verb . We often put will and not together to make won't . Answer on Student Work Pages 46-47 . 2 Complete the note from Debbie to her friend . Put the verbs in the Future Simple . Hi Karen , I ' m sorry about the f ight we had yeeterday I promiee that I 1 ( be ) a better f riend . When you have a eecret , / - ( not , teil ) anyonel When you have a problem , / י ( lieten ) caref ully . Wiii you come to my hou 6 e tomorrow ? We 4 ( have ) iote of fun . We ^ ( iieten ) to the new CD I bought . Then we " ( make ) popcorn and we 7 ( watch ) a movie . / N ( not , fight ) with you anymore —/ promieel ' > / ( caii ) you tonight and we jo _ ( talk ) . Your beet friend , Debbie I won't explain why . won't + base form of the verb I will not explain why . will + not + base formof the verb Short Form lwill- » l'll you will-+ you'll he will- » he'll she will- » she'll it will- * it'll we will- » we'll you wilHyou'll they will- ? they'll
