Daydreaming ? Good for you ! Before Listening Do you ever daydream ? If you answered " yes , " you are not alone . Answer on 1 43-44 . 1 Fill in the diagram below by writing what you like to daydream about . Share your answers with the class . 2 Read the opinions about daydreaming . Which do you agree with ? Discuss with a partner . ? Daydreaming is a waste of time . Use your time to do something more useful . ? Daydreaming is natural . We all daydream , and we can't stop it . ? Daydreaming is very useful . ? Daydreaming often helps me to relax . Listen to the conversation between Daniel , a student in 7 grade , and Mrs . West , the school counselor . First Listening 1 Why does Daniel come to talk with Mrs . West ? ? Because he can't remember his dreams . ? Because he thinks he daydreams too much . ? Because his friends tell him to stop daydreaming . 2 Does Mrs . West help Daniel with his problem ? ? Yes ? No daydream u to think about something nice , especially when this makes you forget what you were doing .
