' < - The Realityof Escher ; "Are you really sure that a floor can ' t also be a ceiling ? " M . C . Escher M . C . Escher ( 1898- 1972 ) was an amazing graphic artist . In his art , he created impossible spaces . For example , a floor could also be a ceiling . 1 Look at the drawing by Escher and describe what you see . You may use the following words and sentence starters : Sentence Starters In the drawing we see . .. The top part shows . .. The bottom part shows .. . Escher mixes . .. with . .. 2 How does Escher see the world in his drawing ? What kinds of pictures do you like ? Describe a picture you have at home . * lithograph —a kind of drawing : the artist draws on a special stone , then paper is pressed into the stone to print the drawing . Wor brds building hnilH ceiling floor person stairs tree window "Up and Down " Lithograph * by M . C . Escher ( 1947 )
