Time Out for Words These are words and phrases that people use when they talk about making their dreams happen . How many do you know already ? Answer on MFf iZFXli !/! TJ 9 JWh 41 . 1 Read these sentences and decide what the highlighted word or phrase means . a Anne studied very hard for the test . She succeeded and got 100 . Anne did a good job / didn ' t do a good job . $ Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the airplane , which they called a "flying machine . " The Wright Brothers made something new / made something better . <§) My television didn ' t work , and I didn ' t know why . Finally I solved the problem : I plugged it in the wall ! \ fixed / didn ' t f ix the problem . flI f you work hard , you can achieve your goal . If you work hard , you can plan / get what you want . 0 I love listening to quiet music . It helps me to relax . Quiet music helps me to rest / work . f J . K . Rowling ' s dream finally came true . She became a famous writer . Her dream happened / didn ' t happen . g In her book , Rowling created a world of magic . Many people read the books to learn about her special world . She made / described a magical world . 2 Match the words and their meanings . £ pictures or ideas in your mind !•! when something good happens after trying hard c something that is hard to do ; a problem < 3 what is true ; what really happens 0 something good that you hope for and want very much difficulty dream imagination success reality Additional activity on 1 achieve a goal come true create daydream invent relax solve succeed
