Dreams and Reality Section Task : Get Ready Presenting a special person In this section , you will think about your dreams for the future and how you might make them real . You will prepare a talk about a person who turned his or her dream into reality . 1 Look at the pictures on this page and in the rest of the section . ? What do they show about dreams and reality ? ? What different types of dreams are the pictures about ? 2 Read the quotes and discuss the meaning of each . "Everything you can imagine is real . " Pablo Picasso "You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve * . " J . K . Rowling , Harry Potter and the Orderof the Phoenix "Think left and think right and think low and think high . Oh , the thinks you can think up * if only you try !" Ted Geisel ( Dr . Seuss ) Oh , the Thinks You Can Think ! 3 What are the quotes about ? Discuss . ? the difference between dreams and reality ? why dreams cannot be real ? turning your dreams into reality 4 Which quote do you like best ? Discuss . 5 Explain the connection between the pictures and the quotes . Use the words in the box to help you . 6 Look through this section of the booklet . Why do you think this section is called Dreams and Reality ? * enough nerve — enough courage ; brave enough . * think up — think of ; imagine . dream n . 1 . thoughts and pictures that you have when you sleep . 2 . a wish ; something good that you hope for and want very much . reality n . what is true ; what really happens . believe come true difficult dream imagination impossible try work
