Section Task : Go ! Preparing a recipe for a cookbook Prepare a recipe for a class cookbook . Use tiMmVm , IW . llJ . IJi * 97-98 to help you . 1 . Choose a food . 2 . Make a list of ingredients for the recipe . 3 . For each ingredient , write the exact amount you need . 4 . Write the instructions for preparing the food . Make sure the instructions are in the correct order . Remember to use the imperative formof the verb . 5 . Add a drawing or picture of the food . 6 . Check your grammar and spelling . 7 . Show your recipe to a partner and make improvements if necessary . 8 . Submit your recipe to your teacher , who will assess it using the rubric on * WEAWIWiUWillJ -JJA 99 . The following list shows what you should have in your completed task . ? The recipe has : • a list of ingredients with the exact amounts • instructions for preparing the recipe • a drawing or picture of the food ? It looks like a recipe . ? 1 checked the spelling and grammar .
