Time Out for Chocolate Charlie Bucket is the main character of the book , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory * by Roald Dahl . Charlie comes from a poor family and a chocolate bar is a very special treat for him . 1 What do you do when you get a special candy treat ? Do you eat it quickly or do you save it for later ? Discuss . 2 Read a part of Chapter 1 of the book . Find out what Charlie does when he gets a chocolate bar . Only once a year , on his birthday , did Charlie Bucket ever get to taste a bit of chocolate . The whole family saved up their money for that special occasion * , and when the great day arrived , Charlie was always presented with * one small chocolate bar to eat all by himself . And each time he received it , on those marvelous birthday mornings , he would place it carefully in a small wooden box that he owned , and treasure * it as though it were a bar of solid gold ; and for the next few days , he would allow himself only to look at it , but never to touch it . Then at last , when he could stand it no longer * , he would peel back a tiny bit of the paper wrapping at one corner to expose * a tiny bit of chocolate , and then he would take a tiny nibble * — just enough to allow the lovely sweet taste to spread slowly over his tongue . The next day , he would take another tiny nibble , and so on , and so on . And in this way , Charlie would make his ten-cent bar of birthday chocolate last him for more than a month . 3 How does Charlie eat the chocolate bar ? Answer on Student Work Page 32 . & He eats it quickly . $ ג He saves it all for later . c He eats a little piece every day . 4 What words or phrases show how much Charlie loved the chocolate bar ? Example : he would place it caref ully in a email wooden box Thinking About What You Have Read . 1 How long did it take Charlie to eat the chocolate bar ? 2 What does this tell us about Charlie as a person ? Additional activities on k 1 } WM } \ iMVJ ! MJ 'bM-k 33-35 . * Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl published by Puffin Books , 1964 . * occasion — event ; day . * presented with — given . * treasure — keep something that you love and care about . * could stand it no longer — couldn't wait anymore . * expose — uncover ; show . * nibble — little bite ; little piece .
