Link to Language : Some and Any 1 Read the following sentences . I have a glass of tea , an egg and two rolls with butter . Anna , Russia ^> I need to buy tea , eggs , rolls and butter . Things that we can count are called count nouns . These nouns have a singular and a plural form . Examples : Please give me three apples and a glass of water . I would like two eggs and a roll . Things that we cannot count are called non-count nouns Examples : I want some ice cream for dessert . I would like some tea , please . & What items can we count in the sentences above ? $ What items can't we count in the sentences above ? Answer on Student Work Pages 20-21 . 2 Complete the table by putting the words under the correct headings : Count or Non-Count nouns . 3 Match the name of each item to the picture . bread cereal cheese honey juice milk rice soup 4 Complete the shopping list using the pictures and the words in the box . Use the plural if necessary . a of bread four of soup a of rice a ofhoney a box of cereal two ofjuice a ofmilk aof cheese bag bottle box can carton jar loaf piece
