leet Me on the We Discussion forums on the Internet are a popular way for people to discuss and exchange ideas . 1 What kinds of messages can we find on a teen forum ? Discuss . 2 Look at the page from an Internet site below . a Who is the site for ? I •) What is the purpose of this forum ? c Who wrote the message ? 3 Read the forum message . What idea does the writer want to discuss on the forum ? NET-TEENSForum : Changes and Exchanges This is a forum for teens to exchange ideas about growing up . Read and post messages . Reply ) Name : Simon Spector Subject : Changing and growing up Today I found an old picture that I made . I drew it when I was a little kid . In the picture , there is a little person . He has a big head with two dots for eyes and a big smile . He has a stick for a body and lines for arms and legs . That was how I saw myself . Life was easy then . Today , I am older . It is hard to draw myself because I am changing all the time . Each day I am taller and stronger . Even my face is changing . Sometimes I smile , but not every day . Sometimes I am angry . Sometimes I am sad . Today , I am many different things . I have new thoughts and new ideas . I have big plans and dreams . Some things are easy for me to do . Sometimes I have to work very hard and I feel good when I do a good job . Sometimes I try , but I fail . Then I feel disappointed . All these changes are exciting , but also scary . One picture is not enough to describe me anymore . Does anyone out there feel the same ?
