Susan is fourteen years old . She lives in the city of Chicago , Illinois , in the United States . It 15 summer vacation . Susan and her family ^ 6 visiting cousins in Brazil . When it is summer in Chicago , it is winter in Brazil . Fabio invited Susan to his English class at school . He asked her questions about school in the United States . Listen to the conversation and find out what Susan does on a typical day . Answer on Student Work Page 11 . First Listening What four questions did Fabio ask Susan ? E 1 How do you get to school ? S 3 What do you study at school ? % What school subjects do you like the best ? < 3 Who are your best friends ? & When do you eat lunch ? f What do you do after school ? Second Listening 2 What does Susan like to do when she is not in school ? List two activities . Thinking About What You Have Heard . 1 In what ways is your school day similar to and different from Susan ' s ? Discuss . 2 Do teens in your country have similar after-school schedules ? Discuss .
