Getting Ready Section Task : Departure Writing a guidebook entry about a destination country This section takes a look at different types of trips abroad . You will choose destination country that best suits your personality and tastes , collect information and write a guidebook entry about that country . An Ideal Vacation 1 Read how three teenagers describe their ideal vacation . What do you learn about each person from his or her description ? JLl ] "My idea ofthe perfect vacation is to see the exotic and unusual . 1 would try to plan a vacation that included hiking , cycling and camping . I wouldn't mind traveling alone , because that would give me the chance to meet new people . But if I were in countries where women don ' t normally travel by themselves , I might decide to travel with someone else . I would probably avoid popular tourist sights . Instead , I would try to find places that no one knows about . I can't afford to spend much money , so I would have to travel on a tight...
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