1 Look at the illustration on the previous page . What is the figure in the picture facing ? Where is he ? Who does he represent ? What does the barbed wire represent ? How do you think the figure in the picture feels ? Describe his feelings . Give the picture a title . 2 Psalm 137 describes the condition of the Jews who were exiled to Babylon after the destruction of the First Temple . By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept When we remembered Zion . If I forget you , Jerusalem , May my right hand forget its skill , May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth If I do not remember you , If I do not consider Jerusalem My highest joy . ( Psalms 137 : 1 , 5-6 ) Crossword Puzzle Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of the verses from Psalm 137 . The country where we were exiled . What we did there . The city I must not forget . Another name for that city ( the word is also used as a synonym for the land of Israel ) . A body part that will stop working if I forget that city . At Jewish weddings , it is customary for the groom to quote this psalm : “ If I forget you , Jerusalem , let my right hand forget its skill ... ” Why do you think Jerusalem is recalled on such a happy , personal occasion ?