1 Why do you think that Jews in the free world participated in demonstrations in support of Jews they didn’t even know ? 2 Try to define the types of support ( financial , political , educational , etc . ) that the demonstrators offered their fellow Jews in the Soviet Union . 3 Many Jewish communities around the world organized activities to support Soviet Jews , most of whom lived in Russia and Ukraine . Locate Russia and Ukraine on the map on page 138 . In which country did the demonstration shown in the photograph on page 74 take place ? Locate it on the map on page 138 . Draw an arrow from that country to Russia and Ukraine . Background Information And Sometimes Those Who Help Are Then Helped In Return ... After the fall of the Soviet Union at the end of the 1980 s , the Jews were allowed to emigrate from Russia and Ukraine to other countries including Israel . In the 1990 s and at the beginning of the 21 st century , more than one million Jews immigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union . While the absorption of so many immigrants required enormous efforts and resources on the part of the State of Israel , the immigrants from the Soviet Union also contributed a great deal to the country . They stimulated the growth of the economy , contributed to the development of the sciences , industry and culture , and more generally , increased the number of Jews living in Israel .
