Press 1 for ... Bureaucracy is one part of modern living that makes people feel alienated from others . It is usually a bigger problem in large cities than in village communities and small towns . Answer on First Listening Listen \ 0 two telephone calls . Which is probably true , or typical of , each of the calls ? ט The organization puts across a feeling of community . Ij > The organization puts across a feeling of alienation and bureaucracy . c The caller feels frustrated with the call . fl The caller feels satisfied with the call . B The caller probably receives and understands all the information by the end of the call . Second Listening Listen to the telephone calls again . Complete the paragraph by choosing the correct word ( s ) in each pair . In thefirst / second call , the caller receives only a recorded message . In the f irst / second call the caller speaks with a representative from the Department of Motor Vehicles . The representative is friendly / unfriendly and formal / informal in 3 4 the way she talks . The representative makes / does not make a helpful suggestion . ץ From the conversation , one can reach the conclusion that all / not all organizations in large cities are bureaucratic . Thinking About What You Have Heard . 1 How does the cartoon illustrate what you have heard ? Which of the definitions of bureaucracy above does it illustrate ? 2 With a partner , suggest two to three ways to improve the telephone service of large organizations so that it is less bureaucratic and alienating . bureaucracy 11 . from French bureau ( office or desk ) and cratie ( rule ); Old French . 1 a body of non-elected government officials . 2 the fixed rules and hierarchy of an organization , often considered not efficient . " ... If you'd like to hear all of your options again , press 49 . If you ' ve forgotten why you called in the first place , press 50 . "
