Section Task : carry out Writing a story extract about a personal hero 1 . Choose a personal hero , someone who has had an influence on you in some way . 2 . Choose an event ( or series of events ) that shows why this person is your personal hero . The story extract should show what he or she did and how he or she influenced you . 3 . When you write the story extract , relate to : ? the setting of the story — where and when the event ( s ) took place ? the characters in the story — their background , appearance , and / or behavior 4 . Write the story in the first person . You are the narrator of the story . 5 . Read over your work and check grammar and spelling using a dictionary or a spell-checker . Make changes and corrections as needed . 6 . Assess your story extract using the rubric on Student Assessment Page 77 . Then submit your work to the teacher for assessment . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? The story extract is about a personal hero . ? The setting of the story is clear . ? The characters in the story are presented clearly . ? The story is written in the first person . ? The story extract gets across the way in which the personal hero made a mark or had an influence on the narrator . ? Attention was paid to grammar and spelling .