Look at the two pictures of Christopher Reeve on pages 14 and 15 . Read the explanation below . What is the contrast between the two pictures ? The actor Christopher Reeve starred as Superman in two Superman movies ( 1 978 , 1981 ) . In 1 995 , Reeve was badly injured in a horseback riding accident . He can move only 1 /^/)/ little and needs nursing care 3 \\ the time . Despite his injury , he has continued his work in television and film . He also started an organization to help people with similar injuries . 6 Read the excerpt below from an interview with Reeve and explain the following : a According to Christopher Reeve , who are the real heroes ? & Why did his definition of a hero change ? @ How can an experience like Christopher Reeve ' s make a person stronger and braver ? "When the first Superman movie came out I was frequently asked , What is a hero ? My answer was that a hero is someone wh , 0 comm 1 ts a courageous actl 0 n Wlth . , ° * . ™ , ' ng the , consequences * —a soldier who crawls out of a foxhole to "rag an injured buddy * to safety . And I also meant individuals who are slightly larger than life : Houdini and Lindbergh , John Wayne , JFK , and Joe DiMaggio . Now my definition is completely different . I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere * and endure * in spite of overwhelming obstacles * : a fifteen-year-old boy who landed on his head while wrestling with his brother , leaving him barely able to swallow or speak . These are real heroes , and so are the families and friends who have stood by them . " - Christopher Reeve 7 The expression " slightly larger than life" appears in the excerpt . a What does the expression mean ? Hi In what ways are the people mentioned by Reeve "larger than life" ? @ Who are some people you consider "larger than life" ? Explain . 8 Who are the real heroes in your opinion — people who are "larger than life , " or people like the fifteen-year-old boy that Reeve mentions ? Discuss . Houdim-a famous mag 1 c 1 an and escape artist Lindbergh-thefirst person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean j ohn Wayne a famous aCtor who played the role of heroes in many movies JFK — John F . Kennedy , a World War II war hero and US president who was killed '" 963 ' Joe DiMaggio— a fam 0 lls baseba 11 player * consequences — results . * buddy — friend . * persevere — continue when it is difficult . * endure — suffer something bad for a long time . * obstacles — difficulties or problems that can stop you from achieving something .