News Articles Most of the articles in the newspaper are news articles . News articles report on something that has already happened or will happen . Writers of these kinds of articles know that their readers don't have a lot of time , and want to be able to read an article and get the main information quickly . For this reason , news articles follow a specific style : The headline and the lead give the main facts ; the bodyof the article gives additional details . This style is called an inverted pyramid with the main information at the top . I Read the headlines of articles and discuss what you think each article is about . ^ Aj Politicians Surprise Even Themselves M Soap Celebrates l , OOO , OOO Episode HOT WEATHER ENDS J 2 J Earthquake Causes Volcanic Eruption _ EJ Bank Robbed Again jj PM SAYS PROBLEMS OVER J 3 J Top Pop Group To Split Up 2 Discuss the following questions about the headlines above . There may be more than one answer . Which headline ... ? & leaves out the words "a , " "an , " or "the " &) uses abbreviations c is written in the Present Simple tense even though it is about something that happened in the past fl leaves out the verb " to be " 0 is written in the passive 3 Choose three of the headlines above and , in your notebook , write each of the headlines as a full sentence . Example : a . Politicians have aurpri & ed even themselves . How do headlines help you predict what the article is about ? j . ^ n How ^ n is a headline f different from a full sentence ? j r ^ r ^ > N »