Vtews on j \ l 9 yy 5 i Below are quotations related to the news . a Read each quotation and decide whether you agree with it . % Discuss the issue raised in the question following the quotation . "Journalism— an ability to meet the challenge of filling the space . " Rebecca West Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper ? "News is a little sloppy . " Matt Drudge Do you agree with this opinion about news ? "The sole reason for photographs to appear on the pages of a newspaper is to grab the reader ' s attention and lead him to the story . " Harvey Miller Would you read a newspaper that did not have photographs ? "When a dog bites a man , that is not news , because it happens so often . But if a man bites a dog , that is news !" John Bogart What do you think should be in the news ? "You can crush a person with journalism . " William Randolph Hearst Do you think that newspapers have too much influence ? "People don't actually read newspapers . They step into them every morning like a hot bath . " Marshall McLuhan How is reading a newspaper like getting into a hot bath ? 2 Together with a partner , choose one quotation that you both agree with and discuss what it says about the role of the newspaper today . \ Do you think that newspapers do a good job presenting the news ? Discuss .