4 The narrator describes a number of changes she went through in her social contacts . Describe what kind of a friend she was : ? at the beginning of her story ( until seventh grade ); ? in the middle ( after becoming friendly with the "in" crowd ); ? in the end ( after returning to the kindergarten group ) . 5 What is the significance of each of the following friendships , as described in the story ? a the kindergarten group & the best friend @ the cool crowd What kind of friendship did the author have with each ? 6 What does the narrator mean when she says "We will all continue to grow separatelytogether .. / ' 7 ( paragraph 17 ) Complete the sentence . On the one hand , each person ; on the other , they together . 7 In what ways are old friends special and different from newer friends ? Thinking About What You Have Read Choose one of the following issues to discuss with one or more partners . Write down your ideas . Compare with other groups in the class and continue the discussion . & How do you think most friends would react after being abandoned in the way described in paragraph 8 ? S > The narrator states , "It wasn't long before I made a few mistakes , some worse than others , and the 'in' crowd got a peek at the real me . " What does she mean by the " real me" ? Do you think that one can have a good friendship without knowing about the friend ' s faults or weaknesses ? Explain why or why not . ^ In your opinion , are most friends as understanding and accepting as the kindergarten group in the story ? What could be the problems in maintaining long-time friendships , like those of the kindergarten group ?