? Share information . ( Expert Group ) Look over the information you have collected as an expert . Think about what information you are missing , or what information you have that others may be interested in . 1 . What information did you share with other experts ? 2 . What information did you receive from another expert ? Stage 3 ? Organize the information . ( Expert ) Consider the following points when preparing the slides for your presentation : ? Look at the information have collected and select the information want to you you include in your presentation . ? What is the overall message that you want to convey in your presentation ? This should be reflected in the content and in the title of the presentation . ? Organize and summarize the information so that it presents the message of your presentation . ? What graphic images do you want to include in your presentation ? Explain how these will convey the message of the presentation . Stage 4 ? Put the presentation together . ( Home Group ) ? Look at all the slides and decide what would be the best order for them to in appear the presentation . Think about the content of each slide and the overall message you would like to convey . ? Prepare an introductory slide and a concluding slide . Decide on the content and the graphics for each of the slides . ? Look over the slides and make sure that they are consistent in language , terms and design . Your presentation should have 10 or more slides . ? Decide on other materials you would like to use during your presentation . ? Give the presentation . ( Home Group ) ? Using your slides as notes , practice what you are going to say . You may want to write out your notes . ? While you are speaking , make sure you speak loudly and clearly ; make eye contact and use appropriate body language .