Additional Material : Words , Words , Words Across 2 . a response to something 6 . show or describe someone in a picture or story 9 . an informal conversation 10 . parts of the body 11 . money issues 13 . the connection between one person and another 16 . a person ' s name written by herself or himself 18 . feelings 20 . the general impression that a person or group gives to others 21 . a person ' s idea of herself or himself 22 . money that is earned Down 1 . the person telling the story 3 . conditions in a certain situation 4 . a husband or wife 5 . being true and faithful to someone or an idea 7 . give someone the ability or desire to do something 8 . the state of being alone , or cut off from other people 12 . an informal name , usually based on a person ' s real name 14 . an unknown person 15 . something belonging to a person that is given away to help others 17 . a great achievement 19 . a possibility of danger