Booklet Page 13 : Space Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle using the words in the box . Across 2 . everything that exists ; all the stars , suns , planets , moons , etc . 4 . a set path followed by a planet or a moon around another body 6 . a big task 7 . a person who studies the planets , stars and other bodies in the universe 8 . an instrument used to look at planets , stars , etc . 11 . things fall to the ground because of this force 12 . all the gases that surround a planet 13 . a building with a domed ceiling that shows the positions of the planets and simulated trips into space 14 . an ancient or traditional story that explains natural events 15 . a physical substance that takes up space Down 1 . to watch carefully 3 . the top or outside layer of something 5 . to add to something , especially knowledge 9 . a large , round body that revolves around a sun 10 . a star that gives energy ( heat and light ) to a planetary system "astronomer atmosphere contribute gravity matter mission myth observe orbit planet planetarium sun surface telescope universe