Asking for Information Before beginning a fitness program , it is important to collect information . You can do this by asking for facts or for expert advice . The advice from an expert is an opinion based on facts . Link to Language : Facts and Advice To get facts about how physical activity helps people keep fit , you can : ? Ask a Wh-question with the verb be in the present Why am I less fit than I was last year ? What is strength training ? What are aerobic exercises good for ? ( Wh-word + am / is / are + rest of the question .. . ?) Ask a Wh-question with other verbs in the present How do muscles get stronger ? How does strength training make the body stronger ? ( Wh-word + do / does + subject + base form of the verb + rest of the question ... ?) To get advice about physical fitness , you can : ? Ask a Wh-question with a modal ( could , should , or must ) Where could I learn judo ? When should I exercise ? ( Wh-word + modal + subject + base formof the verb + rest of the question .. . ?) Ask a Wh-question with have to When do 1 have to warm up ? Why does an athlete have to eat a hearty breakfast ? ( Wh-word + do / does + subject + have to + rest of the question ... ?) 1 With a partner , try to find the answers to as many of the above questions as possible . 2 Which of the above questions couldn't you answer ? Where could you find the answers ? In what different ways could you present the information ?