4 Look at the picture below to find the main parts of the Space Shuttle . What do you think is the purpose of each ? Crew Compartment Cargo Bay ( the Space Lab is here ) Engines Tail Wings The area of the crew compartment on the Space Shuttle is about 65 cubic meters . In space , astronauts can use the whole 3 ^ 8—not just the floor 3 x ^ 3 . This is because they are in a weightless environment . 5 Look at the diagram of the Crew Compartment of the Space Shuttle below . * What is each deck used for ? Match the name of the deck and its use . Deck ? Flight Deck ? Mid-Deck ? Lower Deck Use £ To live and work 3 To store equipment c To control the spacecraft 6 Use the picture of the Space Shuttle and the diagram of the crew compartment to answer the following questions . £ Where does the pilot sit ? Where does the commander sit ? & Where do the astronauts sleep ? c Where is food prepared ? 13 Where do the astronauts conduct experiments ? 7 Look at the pictures on page 31 . In what part of the Space Shuttle do you think each picture was taken ? Discuss . This is a cross section , showing the two halves of the crew compartment .
