New words are often created by using roots and prefixes that already exist in the language . Many English roots and prefixes come from Latin and Greek . Roots and Prefixes A root is the part of the word that has the basic meaning of the word . A prefix is a group of letters that can be placed before a word to change its meaning . Some words , 3 ^ created by putting together two roots . Example : astronaut n . ( astron + nautes ) a person who is trained to travel in space . The Greek root "astron" means star . The Greek root "nautes" means sailor or ship . Some words ^& created by putting together a prefix and a root . Example : telescope n . ( tele + scope ) an instrument used with lenses to make distant objects appear larger and closer . The Greek prefix " tele " means / or . The Greek root "skopos" means to watch or see . 4 Read the dictionary definitions of the words below . Use the lists of roots and prefixes to explain the connection between the dictionary definition of each word and the meaning of its root ( s ) and / or prefix . £ atmosphere n . all the gases around a planet . S > hemisphere n . half of a planet ( e . g . northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere ) . 5 Look at the words below . Use the lists of roots and prefixes to work out the general meaning of each of the words . Check your answer in a dictionary . More practice on Student Work Page 41 . Space Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle on Student Work Page 42 . Greek and Latin Roots astron ( Greek ) — star atmos ( Greek ) — air ; gas cosmos ( Greek ) — universe ; world nautes ( Greek ) — sailor ; ship skopos ( Greek ) —to watch or see Solaris ( Greek ) — sun sphiria ( Greek ) — sphere ; globe stella ( Latin ) — star visio ( Latin ) — sight ; see Greek and Latin Prefixes con ( Latin ) — with hemi ( Greek ) — half inter ( Latin ) — between or among micro ( Greek , mikros ) — small tele ( Greek ) — far cosmonaut constellation interstellar microcosm microscope nautical solar television visual The Hubble Space Telescope An early telescope