Stories from a Disaster Ar 3 a yiiutemA ^^ j / jym Section Task : c out arry Writing a diary entry Write a diary entry based on the story of one of the following people you read about : • Nikki Amanda Darla Timo Morris 1 . Read the reports on page 5 and go over the activities you did on page 6 again . 2 . Write the diary entry in a personal way that shows what a person goes through when a natural disaster happens . Read Kim ' s diary ( page 7 ) and the interview with Tanzol ( page 10 ) and find ideas that you can use in your diary entry . 3 . Use Kim ' s diary as a model . Write as if you are Nikki , Amanda , Darla , Timo or Morris . Use the words I , me , my , we , us and our . 4 . Read over what you wrote and use a dictionary or a spell checker to check your work . 5 . Show the diary entry to a partner and make improvements and corrections if necessary . 6 . Assess your diary entry on the ^ ^ . The following rubric shows what you should have in your completed task and how you should assess your work .